The guard is not included in the list of occupations approved by the Ministry of Health for which vaccination against COVID-19 is mandatory. But in practice, most of our facilities, and with them the security guards, need to be vaccinated against coronavirus in order to be able to work in the "red" zone.
Currently, the level of vaccination at our company is 42%. Most of those vaccinated are office workers. The level of vaccination among security guards remains unsatisfactorily low.
There is a certain pool of guards who are categorically against vaccination. We have been conducting intensive educational work for more than a month to change the situation. Let's get acquainted with the WHO research on the safety of vaccines, talk about the ease of the procedure itself: today I called and signed up - a few days later received the vaccine; we show our own example - employees of our office were vaccinated among the first in the city. They even launched an incentive campaign: on the day of immunization, our company gives the security guard a paid day off. But despite all these efforts, the cart is still there…
Some employees are willing to be fired so that they do not get vaccinated. But we can't scatter personnel. So far, we are trying to move unvaccinated workers to security guards, where it is possible to minimize contact with others. Employees are not happy about such a scenario - they can receive a lower salary in a new place, have an awkward work schedule, uncomfortable working conditions (and I understand and fully share their dissatisfaction), and I as a manager. One thing - to transfer a person from the security of the hotel reception to the warehouse. Another is to replace the hotel security guard. This entails not only the provision of uniforms, but also training, briefings, documentation. And now let's make this process even more dynamic. Today, the employee is categorically against vaccination - we are organizing his transfer to a "closed" facility, and during the week of vacation he was vaccinated because he was not allowed to enter any store. So we start rearranging and redesigning again. This is a colossal, sometimes overtime, work of inspectors, accountants, personnel department.
Therefore, I want to emphasize once again that we all stand together on one side of the pandemic, which takes thousands of lives every day around the world. I urge you to be prudent and attentive to your health and the people around you. And if you do not have good reasons to refuse vaccination, once again - go through the necessary course of vaccination.